Hi everyone, I started a topic a while back about nutrition and epilepsy. Well, I'd like to hear from anyone who has experiences with sports nutrition and the meds they take. By sports nutrition I...
Hey MandiAnn, Yes, I am doing well, but still trying to work out herbal and medication interactions, especially with seizure control medications. It seems the amount of literature is very small, and...
Is anyone on this meesage board using Carabtrol (Tegretol) to control your seizures? This is the only med that I take, and have been taking it for quite some time (+10 yrs). I'd like to know if you...
MandiAnn: I'd like to hear more about Cognitive Behavorial Training. Can you send me a few links on the subject. I'll do my own research in the meantime. THANKS! Randy: The product I was taking is...
Yes, we have come a long way, but NOT FAR ENOUGH. I've found out too many things in the last year that point to the importance of nutrition and how it plays such a HUGE part in not only epilepsy, but...
I had my first seizure when I was 17 (I'm now 39). I had my wisdom teeth pulled (all of them!), and it was a MAJOR ordeal. They weren't sure why I had the seizure, but it was a tonic-clonic one, and...
I agree about making sure the herbal products we take do not counter-act the meds we have to take. My only problem is finding a neurologist who understands the benefits of natural suppliments,...
Hey MandiAnn, Well, I'm not that extreme, but I was getting a little ridiculous about it. Even when I already knew the answers! I called my doctor and talked to the nurse, and yeah, just as I KNEW, I...
Hi again, Well, I have one more post to put up, and this one hits close to home. I've had a pretty bad problem lately with memory loss, mostly short-term, but I've also noticed that my long-term...
Hey Andrew, It's not that I believe my meds need changing, it's just that I had a seizure even when I was properly taking my meds. I can't remember that ever happening (if it has, then it's been...
Hi Everyone, I know how important diet and exercise are in the treatment of epilepsy. I would LOVE to hear from anyone who suppliments their meds with vitamins and/or herbal suppliments. I would...
Hi everyone, Normally I don't worry about my epilepsy, and meds, but lately, ever since my last seizure a couple of days ago, I get really worried about when to take my meds, if I'm going to have a...
Thanks for the reply MandiAnn. Yes, my epilepsy is pretty much under control, but having a seizure, as you know, isn't the prettiest sight (my wife really hate seeing me go through this), and it is...
Hi everyone, I'm new to this forum, but not to epilepsy. I'm 39 and have had epilepsy since I was 17. Doctors have NO IDEA why I have it (no head tramua, high fevers, etc). My first seizure was after...