Yesterday, I talked with my principal at the book fair at school. She asked how I was doing, if the sz's had stopped, etc. I told her yes, she said that I didn't look very happy, and I commented,...
No, I asked her the same thing, and she said, "not a petit mal, because these things lasted between 45 and 90 seconds." (That's the duration of my partials.) I almost thought status epilepticus,...
A teacher friend of mine commented that a student in her building had recently had a "mini-mal" (no line break there) seizure. I've been through everything I have one seizures -- old and new -- and I...
Randy, I have a question about your comment about antihistimines. Because of an autoimmune disorder, I have to take SIX zyrtec a day (yes, really -- and yes my neuro knows). I know levaquin, it's...
Hi Amy (and all), I'm new to the forum too. I was diagnosed 32 years ago as a teenager, too. My doctors could never find anything wrong on my eeg's or cat's. I know what it's like to be on meds, off...