Jennifer sorry to hear of your loss. I'm in my forties and know all to well about being Hush. I've spent my life in shame. So other people wouldn't have to face the truth. What is the truth? Epilepsy...
anything. I've spent many years not talking about[b] my pain. I think that if Epilepsy is goeing to be respected it needs to be talked about . Its the way none epileptics will understand. And its...
Thankyou for the message. I'm new to the computer. I've only have had since July 1st. I hope things are well for you. Please post another message if you want to talk. You may not have children but...
/community/emoticons/sad.gif I'm the son of an Grand Mal Epileptic. I was not able to talk about it. If ever a word was said she would get very angry. I'm now suffering from post-trauma stress. I've...