Well, its 2 years since I 1st posted about speech/hearing problems - it's reassuring to read that others have experienced very similar things. I would love to say everything's gone away, but they...
Hi Ginny, Sorry to hear about your symptoms and issues re meds. Thanks for the advice re researching medication. Will bear this in mind. The school I teach in are very understanding and I'm being...
Thanks for the empathy Randy, It's good to know I'm not the only guy with such a strange experience. How often do you get your attacks and is your medication targeted at these attacks or is it just...
Hi Ducky and thanks for replying, Came off Keppra gradually, but have had a few grand-mals over the last few months. tbh though, I find the simple partials the most difficult, as they interfere with...
Hi there. This is my first post, but having read the supportive and wise help on this forum thought I'd tell you my situation. I have simple partial siezures that are speech-related. I get...