Hi Sarahbtsd, That's true what Micheal said. My first born daughter does have epilepsy, but it is very mild and she has never had a grand mal siezure. In fact the only reason why I found out is...
Hi CQ:) and RanMan: first of all, Hey another Canadian! Sounds like all three of us have something in common! I too am a "2nD time" epileptic. I was forced to go back on meds because I started having...
I've been lucky. Tegretol was my wonder drug when I was young and apparently still is now. I really hope you get it figured out.please let me know how you are doing OK?...
Carla, Dear you ARE NOT CRAZY!It is very possible to have siezures when you are fully consious, as I've recently learned. And yes I've had the same thing you descibed.See I always thought that in...
Carla that phone thing (not remembering who you talked to) JUST happened to me today My friend apparently called at 8:00 this morning. I hadn't taken my pills yet. At 9:30 ( I took my pills at 8:15...
You take care too!It's a long process to go through, I understand. Unfortunately bosses aren't always as understanding. But at least you will know. Let's face it we are all crazy one way or another!...
Hi Dottie,Even if the siezures are from post tramatic stress, that does not at all make you crazy. You sound like you have had many painful experieces throughout your life. You also sound like you...
I used to see the fog whe I was little. I used to think they were ghosts (I was very little) My parents dragged me to a psychologist thinking I was a bit cookoo. Years later I was diagnosed with...
Yep, my docter calls it a focal seizure. I've had the exact same thing happen... very weird feeling isn't it?...
Hi everyone, I saw my epilepsy docter and asked about this panic disorder/ epilepsy relation. I told him that since I've started taking my meds again they seem to have gotten better.He said...
Hi, yes I'm feeling great thankyou, a bit sleepy but very focused. How about you? It's really great to be meeting people here I appreciate everyone who has answered my post. Take care everyone!!...
Hi, sorry things aren't that great for you right now. I'm not a doctor, but aren't those considered to be partial siezures? If so, yes I've experienced the same thing. It can be frustrating to...
Thank you for responding to me Ginny . You sound like a very kind person. It also sounds like you have a lot of health issues but I love that you seem to have such an upbeat additude. The Tegratol...
Well good luck, I hope everything works out for you. Sorry about your panic attacks. They really are horrible aren't they. I'm glad to know I'm not the only one out there. I try so hard to present a...
Hi. Yes I have had a history of panic attacks. Recently I've done some research and read that depression/ panic attacks often go hand in hand with epilepsy. Something to do with neurotransmitters. In...
Hi. Believe me I know the feeling. I have epilepsy, and my 10 year old daughter was recently diagnosed. I feel incredibly guilty because apparantly she inherited it from me. See, when I was diagnosed...
Hi everyone, how are you? I just joined this site today. The wonders of internet. I was diagnosed with epilepsy in 1989 ( I was 14) After years of Tegratol and being free of siezures the doctor took...