hi there my wife thinks its not her its the seizures. My seizures have been fine tremer which i can still do my thing. she says the wrong thing like why did you put this here look out. I cant talk i...
hi there I have had brain surgery been threw all the tests etc. I am now on no meds the seizures are just on off sort of ones. I had this all done in 1991. They have had me on all the meds you can...
I'm on vimpat been on for a good year seizures not to good with it. But I have been on all the meds they can use. I've had brain surgery which did not do good and was a waste of time I can't work now...
My girlfriend has bipolar I have known her for ears when I was working we are now together and I never knew she was this bad. Her moods change instant. I could say the wrong thing like it rained bad...