Halo Is there someone that gets distracted by sound or movement or has low cocentration? Thank you...
Halo Is there anyone that gets distractedc by noise or movement. Thank you...
Halo Is there anybody that gets distracted by noise or movement. Thank you...
Halo When I speak to someone and see movement in the background or the person I speak to makes a movent I look at the movement they are making....
Halo Thank you for your reply. Lamictin is the original medication name and epitec is the generic and lamotrigine is the active ingrediant. The vision problems started before I started with epitec I...
Halo Yes I was diagnosed early in January and started with epitec(lamictin) but the medication has not reached the correct level. Sound sometimes things sound louder than what they usualy do. I am...
Halo Is there anyone with similar symptoms. It feels if I have increased vision alertness. When I see movement in my peripheral vision I cant let it pàss I follow the movement with my eyes. Thank you....
Halo Is there anyone using lamictin for anxiety? Thank you...
Halo I would like to know if there is anybody else that feels like me. It feels to me asif I have hypervigilance or permanent anxiety. It feels asif I cant see everythin from left to right the same...
Halo I was put on epilim because people with epilepsy cant drink normal antidepressants. The neurologist did not want change my medication dilantin and rivotril and after thy pscychiatrist spoke to...
Halo is there anyone with epilepsy taking medication gor bipolar. I would likr yo know if there is something availible. Thank you....
Halo I saw a psychologist today and he diagnosed me with depression and anxiety. Im glad someone saw somerthing now I must go to the psychiatric for medication....
Thank you I wanted to make sure if I describe excatly how I feel the answer will be still be yes, because I work with alot of people and in a factory there is alot of movement around....
Halo I get very visouly alert and it feels if I am aware of everything around me. When I then concentrate to speak to someone an they make the slightest movement I notice it and look in that...
Thank you Mine is more visioul ad if someone I speak to or next to me make a movement I can't miss it and I try not to look in that direction. At least I know I am not the only one and have a...
Thank you I saw on www.epilepsy.com that anxiety and depression can be caused due to epilepsy itself and if you have elevated adrenaline in your blood you can have alertness for long periods of time....
Halo does anyone get vision and audio alertness from anxiety? Thank you...
Halo I did find a word that describes the way I feel it is hypervigilance. Is there any one who also get the same symptom from their medication? Thank you...
Halo I went to see a neurologist and explained to him how I feel because I believe my nervousness is from the 2 medications I use for epilepsy and he said he doesn't see anything wrong....
Halo I am fine when I speak to someone and the don't move but when they move or do something I look in that direction even when I speak to someone and someone in that circle moves I look at what they...
Halo If you drink more than one type of medication do you drink them together or do you wait a while before you drink the next one? Thank you...
Halo Is there anybody else that use Dilantin or rivotril that don't always feel like going out and having people or visitors around them. I usually feel tired and don't like going out to people or...
Halo I dont know if I am at the right place but what I do is I see peoples movemants that sit in the same room or at the same table then I try to focus on someghing else not to look on that...
Halo I whent to a GP because neurologist is on holiday and was diagnosed with nystagmus. He could not help me futher because joint pain, muscle pain, muscle stiffness depression and the nystagmus are...
Halo I have been using dilantin for 20 years and rivotril for 2. Is there anybody else who have muscle pain and stiffness and joint pain. I also like to be with just my family than alot of other...
Halo Ive been on dilantin for 20 years and I havent had a seizure for 17 years but I still sea a neurologist every 6 months for a checkup. In my case my EEG was normal for 7 years before any changes...
Halo I have been using dilantin for 20 years have been seizure free for 17 years I also use rivotril for about 2 years. My biggest problem is it feels to me as if I see everything around me and cant...