Hi there Ribboninthesky, I have a lot of understanding about my own epilepsy, it’s burdensome, it’s unpredictable, and yes it makes me angry, and depressed, the knowledge I have gained since being...
Hi there Goldengirl43, it’s fair and right in what you comment, the medications that you are given to help with a health issue, to either ease it or prevent it or stop it in its tracks, you have been...
Oh Cam I forgot to say, I was with my partner 31 years, he died of a sepsis related heart attack in hospital....
Hey there Cam, I most certainly know how you feel, all I am going to say is, have a look at my posting, Stronger Lyrica, I make my own life comfortable as I can, I do get out to a cafe bar for guys...
Hi there, having to deal with taking regular medications for epilepsy, from 2005 I was diagnosed with frontal lobe epilepsy, as time went on, every now and again the odd break through seizure...