I had to go to the Hosptial today to get CBC and Metabolic Panel done. Friday I have the ultrasound. I pray it is all ok, but yet I want some answers. I just cant believe how much my back hurts and...
Do you have back pain? Does it hurt all over or on the sides. It almost feels like pulled muscles all over my body and my ribs feel like a bat has hit them.......
I went to a Rheum Dr about 2 weeks ago. Symptoms of feeling like Ive been beaten with a baseball bat. He came up with "Fibro" and Osteoarthritis in my hands. Im 44F. It went away and then about a...
Oh yea, and joints popping when I move.........??????...
So is it that this comes and goes for most of you? I notice today and yesterday my feet dont hurt as much if any, but my shoulder blades, around my bak where my ribs is and hips hurt today and my...
Thank you all for all your respones! Today I woke up wth pain in my ankels and fingers hurting the most. Ohhhhhh there went some knee pain......!...
So you dont take any other drugs for anything for your fibro?...
Do Fibro people get these "sharp shooting" like pains in their joints or what ever? Thats the best way I can describe it. Do most Fibro people have to take antidepressants? From what I understand,...
I posted once and got a couple responses but here I am today....hurting all over. I notice if I sit, the pain in my shoulders especially gets worse. But today my feet feel better but my arms up and...
Do you mean arthritis in general or Fibro? Does fibro cause swelling>...
Can anyone give me some info as what you feel and expierence with fibro and if you have swelling in your hands or feet with it??? My Neuro is refering me to a Rheum Dr because he believes I have some...
Hello. I am new here so plz bear with me. Im a 43 year old female. I started out with having problems with severe constipation. this has went on a while. I went to the dr because I also was havin...