vestabula~ This was great fun. Thanks for a much needed laugh. :) still LOL!! :)...
hi spcdee. I have a popliteal cyst and it is basically all of my joint fluid that i NEED that keeps it swollen. :( I also have a rash/bruising problem. My skin was always normal before and now it is...
I am so thankful for this forum~ I didn't know about this new med and because of you all....i now do. LOL anyhow....I might ask to try it when it is out. I just hope it doesn't do to me what Lyrica...
My husband is constantly keeping his ears open for me and any cure-all for me and today he told me about celery and fibro. This summer I craved celery (dipped in Ranch) A friend told him how celery...
I was put on a prescription vitamin d because mine was so low I would have had to have taken too many of the otc d vitamins. I took them for about a week and could not tolerate it (the rx) and it is...
I remember 1st finding this wonderful place and how the mods greeted me and made me feel welcome. So they deserve a huge thanks. :) I didn't know they were mods at the time but just thought they were...
Hi there. oh my. Good luck to you. It took me at least 5 years to get a proper real diagnosis....and many, many doctors. I would suggest a rheumy. I have had many of the same symptoms as you and...
hi there donnaeil. ok. I am freezing,brrr, ALL of the time so the heater is always set to 76-77 inside and I am in sweats and a robe with a heating pad most of the time. (ok, I wear clothes in public...
This has also happened to me. I get my hair cut a lot and the 1st time I noticed it was during a shampoo before the cut. It felt like the guy was giving me the roughest shampoo job ever. It hurt....
Hi there 3eyes. I am allergic to so-oo many meds and I have been on possibly EVERY single one. I can't even take vitamins. :( Anyhow. After trial and error my docs have found a mixture for me that...
Karen. I am so sorry for your loss. You and your family are in my prayers and thoughts. Again. I am so very sorry....
Hi Sheeba. and welcome. I'm pretty new here and this is a great place. flares......I had one last from last October of 2007 until early spring of 2008. Months. Horrible awful. I had just a few good...
Tiki, You're not alone. And I know exactly how you feel. A few months ago I broke so to speak and started crying...and literally could not stop. It was bizarre because I normally do not cry...
Marlee. Yep. Organization is the key. Everything has a messy child doesn't quite get this. lol The worlds worst at not returning something to the original place. Rummaging through...
I am a clean freak and for the past 2 days I was bedridden....for the 1st time in my life. I slept non-stop through an extreme flare and when I awoke this morning I felt guilty for not having things...
I saw the news tonight and could not believe what it did to Galveston. (and surrounding areas) So my prayers are with anyone that got hit by this Ike-monster. (I am originally from down there) I was...
I have had the whooshing sound for a few years. Mainly when I first awake in the morning. I have it mostly in my right ear (but also left) and I'm not dizzy with it. It is just annoying. I have been...
So sorry to hear that the rest of you have that but whew!!! (breathes a sigh of relief) I feel much better knowing I am not alone. I once felt my heart drop. (Felt like a fish flopping) And the...
[code][sup] When you 1st start a narcotic pain med it does cause itching but as your body gets used to it the itching goes away. Normally. If not, I would ask for another pain med cause I think it's...
Hi eyes of fire. Best of luck to you. I have an extremely high wbc count (leukocytosis) and I am hoping to find out the true cause of THIS and all of this fibro-related stuff. :((( Sadly, I don't...
I am so happy to have found others that experience what I do also, Kimb. My right shoulder gives me trouble daily. This is a great forum. We all have too much in common-unfortunately- BUT it is great...
Nanners. I will keep your daughter in my thoughts and prayers. Good luck to your family. I am not against narcotic pain management. But some will abuse it. Unfortunately, this is what makes it hard...
I can't run the air and my house HAS to be 78-80 degrees or I flare and get super sick. My family burns up but the cold is too much for me. And we haven't even turned on the heater this year. But I...
I can relate to the grocery store stories. The different smells coming from the deli set me off, too. I get confused and then can't ever remember where I parked when it's time to go. And I speed...
Oh my! I was one of the ones who had a bad reaction to Lyrica. Never again! I can't believe I fell for the commercial-hype. I was only on it for a few weeks and had to wean and I am so afraid of even...
Hi gt. I had spasms all of the time. Mainly in my lower extremeties. My new meds help control them and well, I think it is a part of fibro personally. BUT.....I was on Lyrica for a bit and they got...
I have tried almost everything unfortunately and I could not tolerate Cymbalta. I took it for 1 day I believe and had a bad reaction. Thought I had the flu so I tried it a few days later and it got...
Tiki. I am the same way. I am sweating but cold~ I always have a low temp and low blood pressure. But I have night sweats that are unbelievable and during the day I feel like I'm having a hot-flash....
I am possibly the most stressed out person I have ever known or even read about. Always a hand-wringer. Worry-wart. OCD tendencies towards a perfect everything. Kind of a control-freak. Even before...
thank-you shannon for the warm welcome! :)...
hello. i have always been an easy bruiser. Normal ones though. But. My bruising lately has me wondering if others have this problem. I banged my knee and got a bruise and it was bright red with tiny...
hello. i am so happy i have found this place~ i read through so many of your posts and i can relate to so many things. i was diagnosed 3 years ago and have a bunch of other stuff going on with me as...
good luck to you sue. i know what you mean....unfortunately. people do not understand the pain. and chronic pain is not normal and at times truly unbearable....