Yes we are hyper sensitive...
Is anyone not on a tall list of narcotics that can tell me what they do to manage the pain...
I'm soo sorry honey hang in there -...
I'm soo sick of always being sick I can't deal with it anymore I seriously wish I was diagnosed with a terminal illness - I hate myself now - I can never be normal why would I wanna live like this -...
Thank u sorry - I was unaware of the rules - thank u for ur feedback...
?????????????????????????????? I am sorry but it is against the rules to talk about medical marijuana. So let's end this conversation. Thanks, Karen......
do any of you get abdonimal pains?...
it's called irene syndrome- it's triggered by bright lights- i sometimes use glasses with a blue tint- the dizzyness is probably from fatigue - when i getr dizzy i try to sit down's...
thank u...........
how long do yopu need to take it inorder to have it work i tried it shortly but didnt see a huge difference ? I know what you mean people always ask me if i'm pregnant - i don't know how to reply it...
/community/emoticons/cry.gif don't worry- i'm sure they won't judge you- there are days where i cant walk at all.......just tell them about your FMS i'm sure they will be supportive and helpful to...
Hi everyone, my name is Lulu... i was diagnosed with fibromygia a year and a half ago. I'm 27 years old and have been searching for the reason for all this pain since i was 17 years old- i'm very...