As an addendum to my earlier post in re: relief and the resurgence of pain, yesterday I deserted my wheeled walker and walked with my cane while using a wheeled cart to do my grocery shopping. Lately...
Please believe me, I'm not interested in the least in convincing anyone that this treatment is the best we'll ever see or the answer to everyone's problems. Nor do I want to seem challenging in my...
[color=purple>That] [b][color=#800080>Another] [b][color=#800080>So] open mind and report factually. Today, I hope because I over-extended myself yesterday by doing heavy grocery shopping (rolling...
Well, I've continued with the treatment and with my research. There are various bits of information I've received but not yet verified that I will not publish. I do, however, want to share my own...
Thank] open about all the information. I also think Paul Whitcomb overstated things by claiming ALL fibromyalgia is caused by meningial interference or the neural binding in the neck. It so happens...
[color=purple>Nana] [b][color=#800080>I'll] [b][color=#800080>I] [b][color=#800080>I] [b]Thank you, Sherrine and Chutz, for the information and encouragement. At 68 I'm a little set in my ways, so I...
After finding that the principle complaint was that Dr. Whitcomb didn't warn patients that the beneficial effects would be temporary, I don't feel the current operation is a scam. My local...
Okay. Thank you. I'll do some more research. With the relief I've experienced today, I'm disappointed to hear the Relief Centers legal standing is iffy....
There's a new acupressure technique in trial. There's more information at (Jeannie has removed this link because the site is advertising.) I've just had the "test" treatment and begin the first nine...