Oh ok.. yeah I didn't think about that! I am glad they took it off! Yikes......
no I didn't get them! Sorry...
I can give you my email address Anytime. I get on my email about 1 time aday.. so it may take me a min to get back with you! Thanks for being so sweet. Welcome to you too. Together we can have a...
I am right there with you! My husband just gets in a pissy mood... and acts like i can control how I feel. Yeah I have good days too and maybe 4 days were I can barely move. He thinks this is all put...
Oh Hun I am right there with you! I am up tonight.....I am sleepy.. But my body hurts so bad that I could not for one moment sleep. Oh I just want to close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep... and...
[i] Hi guys! I am so pleased to find this group and I can get some help threw this. I will prob- have alot of questions! I hope that doesn't bother anyone! I am living with alot of pain daily, even...