I have been taking the lowest dose of Cymbalta, daily, for about 5 years. It has successfully affected my anxiety, depression and fibro for the most part. I can still get symptoms, and my doctor has...
hi, does anyone else have mouth issues... ie sore tongue, feeling of tenderness but there is nothing visible. bad tastes after certain foods and cold sores more frequently?...
I have had this problem off and on for the last few months. this latest flare up happened after a dentst cleaning appointment, at which time she said my mouth looked fine. Super sensitivity yet in...
I have had fibro for 30 years and recently I have had a problem with my mouth and throat. The dentist looked at my mouth and couldnt find anything wrong. my cheeks are sensitive on the insides and i...
i have been on cymbalta 30 mg a day for almost 3 years. instead of losing weight and having no appetite... it is the opposite for me i have had an incredible appetite and i have gained 25 pounds. has...
Hi Sherrine, I know what you mean. I got the first inklings of the fibro illness, in my early 30s after a bad flu and a traumatic situation within my body. Over the years I had always wondered why...
It is one of those situations where I can truthfully say that misery loves company. I have only told a few people about this... guess I feel that tey would think I am truly weird.Luckily, not my...
I have had fibro 35 years, having only been properly diagnosed 5 years ago. One issue that I have, are pains on only one side, the same side. This appears to be in my fascia. I can feel it and within...
Since those of use who suffer from fibro, have nerves that are more sensitive than those who do not suffer from this annoying and sometimes debilitating dis-ease: what is the difference in pain from,...
hi how interesting that you are noting the ever changing symptoms firstly i think that we are a very sensitive type trying to make sense of it all. symptoms are ever changing for me, and just when i...
Hi all, Just came back from the same eye doc as I saw 3 months ago. He told me I was suffering from DRY EYE syndrome and he gave me a sample bottle of eye tear lubricant and said to use it 2x a day...
I was thinking that it could be allergies... thanks for that I appreciate your response.xo...
He said my eyes were fine even tho i see a halo when things are bright . My right eye burns and feels like there is mucus from time to time. I am very sensitive and suffer from anxiety as well as...
Yup, this is all too familiar. I have what I call "floating pains" all over my rib cage and torso. It's what makes fibro sooo much fun to have. You never know where /when you will have pain and for...
I take 1000 units of vit D every day. Its only when its really hot!!!!!!!!!! Glad to know this too is somewhat in the "ball-park" thanks...
Does anyone suffer from burning feet and sore hands during hot temperatures? This hits me every summer when the temperature goes sky high. Please share if you dare???...
well done!! i'm taping it to my medicine cabinet. It'll be a funny gentle reminder about too often times....
gotcha!!!!!!! /community/emoticons/yeah.gif ...
For me, personally, I really seldom find anything 'amusing' about my foggy times. I get anxious when I forget names especially, and it seems to spiral downwards from there . I sometimes become so...
Wow... does it ever feel good to be acknowledged. I may be a newbie to this forum, but I think, even though diagnosed 4 years ago at the age of 60, I believe I have had FM since my late twenties...
Travelling pain in the FASCHIA of your body that jumps around???? I can get excruciating pain in what feels like the skin and muscle in my back, side, front that really hurts and then disappears...