thank you yes today is day four, and so far the best day i was actually able to do some grocery shopping by myself today. the pain is now just kicking in but i guess that is what happens when you...
yes i really do like his, probably the best doctor i have ever seen, very easy to talk to and he never gives up until he knows whats wrong...
Just wondering here, my doctors put me on Cymbalta 60mgs a day and also 4 perks a day for the pain, so far this doesn't seem to be working, can anyone give me any suggestions i am going back to the...
no my doctors started me on 60mgs a day, he said with the amount of pain i am in he doesn't think it would help me much to move up slowly that he wants to try to as soon as possible get the pain...
thank you to both of you, today is a better day i finally somewhat feel human, still not hungry and wow the hot flashes sure are killing me, but i was actually able to go out today and not feel like...
Hello all, today is my second day on cymbalta, already i am having the sweats, i feel sick to my stomach, even my favorite meal does nto sound good, and everything is very cloudy. i know there are...