Just wondering....
How did she diagnose you?...
I had a CT scan about 6 weeks ago and it was clear. I have headaches every day..but that being said my shoulders and neck hurt also. I have severe health anxiety. Just wondering if anyone here would...
Its little muscle twitching. All Over!!!!!!!!...
Does anyone have these? I am having it in a very weird spot I to scared to say where!...
thanks feel a little better....
Does anyone have these symptoms....
You are so helpful I was just wondering what your symptoms have been? Thank you...
My anxiety is so bad in the morning. I start thinking about what hurts or whats gonna hurt. Then my heart starts racing and things start hurting. I still cant find a way to stop it. I have had that...
I'm still worried about the brain tumor thing even though I had a CT scan 6 weeks ago. Sometimes I think I see funny. Dont know how to explain it. I had this about 6 years ago a headache for at least...
My pain is alot in my neck and shoulders and shoulder blades. Sometimes I just cant take it anymore. Im so scared all the time. I think I feel dizzy or say the wrong tings all the time....
Percycat, Thank you but I just am still scared because it was 5 weeks ago. What if I got one between then?...
Thanks Scaredy Cat I have suffered with Health anxiety for 8 years with health anxiety. My brother died of a brain tumor. It was horrible. Thank you for your reply....
I have had non stop headaches for about a month now. It also hurts in my neck, shoulders and upper back. I just wanted some re-assurance it is not a brain tumor. I did have a ct scan about 6 weeks...
Ok so every day I have been having pain in my neck, shoulders,upper back and neck. Im so scared it is something like a brain tumor. I just had a ct scan about 5 weeks ago and nothing showed up. This...
Just wondering if anyones allergies are worse. Mine have been horrible with a burning nose!!!!!...
I wanted to know if we could exchange emails mine is we sound so much alike. Mary Sherrine...
I get bruises all the time. I have been watching this one on my shin its finally starting to fade and now I have one on the back of my leg....
I have itchy ears also. I also went thru a period od itchy skin. My skin is dry also....
Thr same thing happened to me last week. The back of my head hurt so bad foe days....
I have sensitive finger tips sometimes they hurt to touch....
Does anyone have pain in their ear but it is a referred pain? Wnet to an ENT and he said my ears looked fine....
Glad you are ok. Everything will be fine. I had a tumor on my ovary the size of an orange. I was so scared but it ended up being a chocolate cyst from endometrosis....
Thanks Shirley!!!...
Any ideas on how I can stop this. Ugh it hurts so bad and now I have a head cold !!!!!...
I get twitches all the time. Dont worry i was just at a neurologist and had testing done because they were so bad. Now they have gotten better. I get them in weird places too....
Just wondering if anyone had this problem?...
I have had a cold 2 times in the past 6 weeks. Just wondering if anyone here gets sick more often. I also have Crohn's which could be the problem....
Thanks everyone you all are so great. I hate the internet it always points to cancer !!...
When I went for my appt to the reumatologist I only had a total of 6 trigger points. I had bloodwork and Xrays showed nothing. I still am having trouble with the diagnosis because the criteria says...
Where exactly is your pain in the knees and ankles? And do you wake up with pain?...
My forearms hurt also. I had more bloodwork done yesterday just because I cant believe I may have fibro cause I only had 6 trigger points but I have all of these symptoms....
Just wondering if anyone else has bruises. Mine are mostly on my legs....
Not sure why that would hurt with fibro?...
I have noticed that my nipples are very sensitive. Would this be a fibro thing? How embarassing....
Does anyone have extra sensitive skin with Fibro. I was in the sun this weekend and got a really bad sunburn too!! I usually dont burn that bad....
So the Neurologist said my legs were fine which is where i get most of my twitching and cramps. But couldnt give me an answer on my arms until Monday. What does that mean. He did mention Carpal...
Im so scared my husband is going to leave me!! And we are having bad financial issues also....
Where does it hurt? What tests were done to diagnose? What started Fibro? Does the pain move around? Any other symptoms?...
I just cant get bad diagnosis out of my head!!! Also I only had 6 trigger points . Do I still have Fibro? I have severe anxiety and am not sure if it is all in my head! My husband is going to leave...
I have muscle twitching all over ....
What were your test results?...
Just wondering?...
Thanks MSBunky!!!!!...
Yeah I hope it does work. I do have about 40 of the symptoms on fibro 101. She wont give me any pain meds though....
I had 6 tender points. She is going to try lyrica....
What if I dont pass the tender point test. Does that mean I dont have it?...
Why wont they give you pain meds?...
I get that too but have not been diagnosed with fibro yet....
What if I dont pass the trigger point test. I have all the symptoms. They have done all x-rays and blood work to rule out arthritis. Im so scared of the trigger point test or her wanting to order new...