flea market For a vacation would you rather go the beach or the mountains?...
I love my husband to death, but he is constantly tapping his fingers or moving his leg or other things like that. DRIVES ME INSANE!!! his father is the same way and when they are both together, you...
Mine, at one point was low too. Dr told me to drink V8 (eww!!) and eat more bananas. I got it back up and make sure that I eat a banana almost everyday....
Yes, me, me!! My hands hurt a lot almost all day every day. That is what first got me thinking of FMS when my drs ruled everything else out. And my forearms hurt pretty bad as well....
Awesome! Thank you so much! I have been reading posts all day and I am thankful to have found this board! I think i will be heading to Earth Fare this week and will pick some up. Thanks for the warm...
Only been diagnosed for about a week, but would love to try this. What department would I find coconut water? TIA!...