Magnesium Chelate, or Chelated Magnesium, is the 2nd-healthiest form of Magnesium. It is the #1 healthiest form of capsule/supplement. The healthiest would be an extremely pure Magnesium Oil such as...
I feel like I'm at rock bottom. We can't cover rent. My boyfriend works part time so he can help take care of me at home. I don't have insurance. I haven't been able to work for a couple of years....
Thanks, achievinggrace! You sound very level headed about this subject. I hear so many different things from different people in their experiences with alcohol. From one person, I hear that it...
I'm really sorry about your dad. I want to apologize.. I don't think my question is very clear at this point. I'm not asking you guys if I can drink. +I'm happy to do as my doc says. The thing I'd...
I haven't had any trouble giving it up, either. I did have a glass of wine after a tree smashed down on our house while we were sleeping. If it had been a foot closer to us, we could've died. It was...
Hi, BPC - I'd also like to know whether or not it's been proven one way or the other if babies contract Lyme in utero, or if it in fact happens during breast feeding. I've read a lot of conflicting...
I'm allergic to Flagyl.. and most other antibiotics.. which, I guess, is why I can't take them for Lyme. I know the hangovers you're talking about.. I had that twice back in the winter. Usually,...
I guess if I could drink, I'd like to have a glass of dark red wine. Something chewy & heavy/dry. Just a glass (or two at MOST) every now & then.. not often at all. Thanks so much, and to anyone else...
From what I can tell, this is a controversial topic all over the internet. For the most part, I'd say maybe 95% of what I've found online regarding alcohol & Lyme Disease is that a glass of wine here...
Wow. This does help a TON!! Feel free to PM me any links you found. Thank you SO much!! I know a lot of other people who have Lyme have probably wondered this, but.. with the CDC being negative, I...
[Breaking up my post for you] :smilewinkgrin: Thanks so much. I didn't know what IND meant. I know the results are positive. I might be completely brain foggy, but I thought what the original poster...
Oh, I'm sorry... I thought the signature was your detailed result. I realize this means I'm positive, but I - like BPC - would also like to know (if anyone knows) what the details of this result...
Wow, Razzle. Is there any way in the world you could tell me what mine mean? LYME IgM Western Blot: IGENEX IGM result POSITIVE CDC/NYS result NEGATIVE 18 kDa. + **23-25 kDa. - 28 kDa. - 30 kDa. -...
Denise/Deejavu - Rama777 is my partner and does most of the ordering/purchases/research, etc. :smile: Truly appreciate all the helpful information! I wish there could be some inventor like Dr....
P.S. All the food I eat is organic and the carrots are from our garden. The broccoli used to be, but we've eaten it all! Also forgot to mention that I put Vegenaise on my eggs after they're cooked....
achievinggrace - No worries. :) I see the post is completely gone. I appreciate the information and for not banning me right away. I apologize, sincerely, I didn't realize it wouldn't be appropriate...
Thanks for that info. It's pretty intense - how different each person's body is and how unique each method of treatment is.. you'd think they'd pull their heads out of [the sand..ha] and realize...
I'm fairly new here. A long time ago, I attempted to post here but became overwhelmed by the amount of people who have Fibromyalgia and are on so many harmful and unhealthy medications.. but as time...
I LOVE Topricin!! And I agree.. My point was that those who take prescriptions are not the ones I condemn, but the pharmaceutical companies and the doctors. I feel like it's necessary to try and get...
Aren't you being defensive just now? I'm simply suggesting that people give nature a chance. Doctors are not wise to what they're truly doing, they did not research nor scientifically create these...
Did you try it? And for how long?...
Fibromyalgia has been studied since the 1800s and there have been many conclusive studies that have shown that - potentially - those of us who have all the pain symptoms actually have had...
I recommend that everyone try going without gluten (completely) for 2 weeks just as a test. So many people report feeling better "immediately". My Fibro pain went from a daily '10' to a sliding scale...
I'd like to know this as well. The old fashioned way? Or the new blood test? Or both?...
How many of you are taking tons of prescription medications vs. those who are going the all-natural route? I know a healthy mix of both when considering my friends who have Fibro. The big difference...
Mine came on like a ton of bricks as well. Everything was fine. Then, my best friend died. Shortly after, the love of my life died. I was living in the Pacific NorthWest. It was cold, damp,...
It could be a number of things: carpal tunnel, arthritis, etc. I have Fibro and I do get hand-pain, but it'll last the entire day if I don't rub some kind of anti-inflammatory cream on the specific...
Also, I just noticed how many medications you're taking. The pharmaceutical companies are making a pretty penny from you! I would definitely (in your case) only take the Flexeril in an emergency. It...
Not me. All of mine tested off the scale. :(...
It's a muscle relaxer. I was prescribed to it once, too.... but it made me feel the same way. It actually came in handy when I decided to use it as treatment for severe muscle inflammation (those...
Whaa?? This thread is becoming a riot! :)...
P.S. I deleted my signature in the "edit profile" section, and the box labeled "include signature" was un-checked. I can't figure out how to make that go away (where it says "Relax." under my...
I have no idea. I do know that people who truly have Fibromyalgia are extremely sensitive to so many things throughout all 5 senses: smells (cannot handle any perfume smells), taste (too much flavor...
Ha! I accidentally wear my glasses in the shower all the time, but not my bra (yet)! :tongue:...
P.S. For anyone too afraid to go on a gluten-free trial run, just note that there are plenty of wheat brand replacements out there. You can find them online, or at your local natural supermarket...
I am new to this forum, so, "Hi, everyone." I am a 30-year-old female who has been suffering from the severe pain/inflammation of Fibro for only 2 years, but I have been active in brainstorming and...
Sometimes, I wash my hair multiple times while I'm showering because I keep forgetting whether or not I washed it and I want to keep safe measure. Worse for me lately, though, is meeting people over...