Hi Robin, My PCP also told me that it can take a long time to get a diagnosis and she was hoping that the rheumy would treat my symptoms while the search continues, but that has not happened yet. I...
The sun sensitivity is not caused by any meds, because I don't take any regularly (vicodin, flexeril as needed for neck pain). I am hoping to find a new rheumy that takes my insurance. I still have...
I am certain the pain in from inflammation because NSAID's relieve the worst of the pain and I had a high sed rate. My autoimmune came back negative, but PCP told me it can take a long time for them...
Hi Sherrine and thanks for responding. I do have pain, but it is absolutley in the joints, no muscle pain at all. I read the first thread and found it helpful and interesting. I have read that it...
Hi everyone! I am new here and have confusion about my recent diagonsis. My PCP thinks I have Sjogren's but tests are negative, although she still feels strongly that is what I have and its just not...