Hi Snue. I rely on my smart phone a lot. I also enter info into callender and set reminders. My phone will sync with google callender so I then have a reference on my desk. If it is something...
I also am clumsy. In the last year I have broken my little toe 3 times. My neuro says that it is because my brain does not recognize where my feet are. I don't know if this is the fibro or thoracic...
thanks, i am so new to forums, but it is great to read about people who are having the same issues as I am. My b/p always runs a little low, but dips very low. Yesterday the Dr. could not give me an...
I am new to posting. I am 52 years old and was diagnosed with fibro 5 years ago, thoracic myopathy 4 years ago. I also suffer from chronic migrains and chronic hives. When I am flaring, or have a...