No - that's what was denied....that's what I'm thinking I need to do. Thanks so much!!!...
Hi Gina, Thanks for your story, and I am happy to hear your son is doing so well! I love to hear happy endings, especially for children. =-) I just really need to get some back up so that the...
Thanks for the replies. I am going to fight, I was just so disappointed and disgusted to get the denial letter...I needed a pep talk from people who understand! =) @Dagger - what a sad story with a...
Insurance. I finally found a doctor who believes me, listens to me, has actual suggestions, takes all of my suggestions into consideration, and believes that Fibro is real! I asked him for the script...
Fibro feels like the opposite of what I should be feeling. I feel pain always. I have migraines daily. I have the dull aches, sharp stabbing pains. I am always tired and never sleep well - even if I...
I am just so depressed. I am so not the person I was 3 years ago. Young and vibrant and active. I miss doing a lot of things with my kids. I miss dancing with my friends. I miss a lot, and try to...
I think you probably have a lot in common with many people on here. My husband too, is slightly skeptical. My son also asked me is I was going to die, and if I needed a transplant. I told him that I...
I had the same symptoms when I was on Savella. I couldn't stop eating sweets, and I'm not a sweets person (I would rather have a bowl of dip! lol). This med also made me sick to my stomach all the...
Hi Grandma, I shook really bad when I was on Lyrica...everything from my head to my toes. Really, it does vary from person to person, but it won't hurt to follow up with your rheumy about the...
Hi Julia, I was reluctantly diagnosed by my PREVIOUS primary. He ran a ton of tests (at my request), and when nothing came back positive, I asked him if it could be cancer or fibromyalgia. He...
Hi Lori, I feel for you! I've run the gammet of all the meds and watched what each did to me as far as the side effects - none of them helped with the pain. I keep trying - and am hoping that every...
Hi 4dognight, Welcome...I too was thrilled to find this site. To be able to talk to others who actually 'get it', and understand what I am saying. Wishing you luck with everything. Fortunately (or...
Well wishes to you and your daughter!...
Hi Lynne, Although most of my issues are different - my hands and fingers (along with up my forearms to my shoulders, etc.) are a new issue for me. They hurt all the time - to bend them, any daily...
Ahhh - much easier said than done! Trying really hard though!...
Hi Lynne, I'm new here too! I found everyone to be welcoming, accepting and wonderful. This is a wonderful site and a great group. I have learned a lot in just 2 days! lol Wishing you well through...
The weather absolutely affects me - its the cold and rain (whatever season) makes everything so much worse! I am going to try the magnesium - just ok'd with my primary that it's ok to take with...
Hi Sherrine, Thank you for the welcome and the info. I will check out the massages - I get them at home, but would love to have a professional who is trained to do it on fibro patients, try me! lol...
Tammy, Thanks much, and you truly sound like a caring, sensitive person who is ready, willing and able to help! You have let her know - and now she has to learn to accept your help. That is exactly...
Thank you Denise and Shirley for the warm welcome! I had a feeling everyone would just be FABULOUS!!!! Smilez.... /community/emoticons/yeah.gif ...
I would totally ROCK that LOVE IT!!!!!!...
I don't have any info on disability, but would be interested to know as well... Good luck and I hope everything works out in your favor!...
Hi Brian, I totally feel for you....same situation, just a few less hours a day at the desk, just more in the car... Torn between the disability stay at home and not afford to live, or suffer...
Thanks I am waiting to get an official certification with some kind of embossed, raised seal on it so I can take it and flaunt it around his office, letting everyone in the waiting room...
I posted this at the bottom of another posting, but meant to post it here! lol You all have no idea how thankful I am to have found this website! I was diagnosed with Fibro about a year ago. I have...
You all have no idea how thankful I am to have found this website! I was diagnosed with Fibro about a year ago. I have run the gammet on every med, procedure, blood test, etc. I keep my happy face on...