Well done for persisting with study while having aspergers and now fibro. I hope that it goes well for you. When working try to take a 5 min break walk around the office. Get a coffee or go to the...
Thanks for the replies. I visited my naturopath today and learned that my test results are positive for yeast overgrowth and more alarming a parasite called blastocystis hominis. This parasite is...
Made me laugh! Funny! Thanks for the story...
I changed my antidepressant from citalopram to cymbalta at the recommendation of my dr when my abdom pain would not disappear (I have Coeliac disease, IBS and had a hysterectomy in the past 2 years...
I am willing to try anything to get more energy. All these ideas are interesting - seems like it would be a good idea to get a sleep study done first. It would be lovely if something as simple as b12...
If you are feeling really down and things that used to give you pleasure no longer do, and it persists please see a doctor. I suffered depression for many years and found huge relief from ADs. Almost...
Like a lot of people, I have been wary of visiting a chiropractor and none of my Drs over my lifetime have suggested I visit one. I was encouraged to visit one, loosely based on a positive report by...
I feel the same way. 2 years ago I was cycling to and from work, I was running at lunchtime and ran for 15 km on the weekend. I then had a hysterectomy to remove a big fibroid which I recovered...
This is my first post. I am thinking that I have fibromyalgia. I have been tested for everything else! What you are all saying makes so much sense to me. I have started wearing a non underwire crop...