Has she tried nucynta? It's a new pain drug that's brand name only right now but it has worked wonders for my pain. It works in a different way than oxy. It's still a schedule 2 controlled substance...
I went to my doc today to talk about the possibility of fibro. After telling him all my symptoms and with my medical history, he did a tender point check, which was not fun at all, and almost all of...
I'm sorry you have so much pain. I know how you feel though. I haven't been diagnosed with fibro yet but I have endometriosis, TMJ, migraines, and the all over pain common with fibro. I'm going to...
Hello all, I was hoping you all could give me a little advice/info. I am 27 and have not been diagnosed with fibro yet but I'm trying to get in with my doctor to speak with him about it. I have a lot...