I've been on disabilty ssi since i was 12, Im now 21 and can't live on 600 dollars a month. I really need to start working, but i dont know what I could do that wouldnt be too difficult. just...
it can cause MAJOR urethra pain. ive been doubled over on the pot trying to hold back from urinating because it hurt so badly. its not in your head....
none of those things will harm you. just be sure to check with a doctor if they'll interfere with any of your medicinces....
I've never had creepy crawly or bug feelings, but on several occasions I've felt like I stepped in a pile of dog doo only to find nothing there! Haha, weird stuff.. Anyone else feel like they're...
Sure does feel broken, like someone hit it with a hammer.. Ak Angel, you've given me hope this will go away. I was with someone understanding, it's me that needs to learn to be understanding and...
Thank you for the welcomes:)...
so I'm 21 and have had dyspareunia for about a year now. I hate it. It's embarrassing, it's debilitating, I don't want to be in a relationship. Any tips for coping? Any suggested ways of relief? And...
Fish, your mouth peels too?! My entire lining of cheeks literally falls apart, it's been like this for at least 6 yrs now. It's ugly and I can't stop messing with it, haha. I get the burning, like...
Hello, new here. I'm twenty one and was diagnosed with lupus when I was twelve, this past year I have been displaying symptoms of fibromyalgia and was last week diagnosed. I wanna know your guys'...