Dear Kimliz 59, Your symptoms sound so much like mine. I was diagnosed in February 2012. My symptoms mostly are fatigue and pain in my urderarms, and groin area. Nobody in my family understands what...
I need help. I was dx with Fibro back in February 2012. I have the usual pains that goes along with fibro but I also have pain in my lymph nodes area. They are not swollen but it feels like a dull...
I just recently had a flare up that lasted for a week. I'm still hurting every day but not as bad. I keep having pain in the front of my neck but not above the collar bone. It comes down the sides of...
Yes Ak Angel, I was dx'd back in February. I had thought I might had cancer because this totally freaked me out. Doctor ran test and ruled out things. Had normal routine blood work done. All the new...
Ok so here I go...... I have been having pain behind my ears and under my jaw bone down the sides of my neck,I am having a numbness spot on my back. It feels like it is only as big as a quarter size...
Dear Jaden, I have these same bumps on my arms and my thighs. I first noticed them about 5 months ago. It freaked me out so bad. First I noticed them on my legs. Than later noticed it on my arms. It...
I am newly dx'd of this disease about 3 months ago. I am having pain in the corner of my pubic area on my bone. The doctor had said this my ligaments and tendons that are inflammed from my fibro. The...