Lately I have been waking up with my hand falling asleep or my arm, tingles through my legs! I have a tough time sleeping yet I wake up so scared I don't want to sleep anymore. Whats with the hand...
The worst of this is interaction with people. I do not want to do anything, although I work and that is about all I can tolerae. I am taking naproxen and last night I bough dulcolax and plan to use...
I have to take the plunge and try something - the naproxen and klonopin is just not helping me. I am scared because i am sensitive to meds too. I was told to eat gluten free foods, and the bloating...
Thank you so much for your help. I can see how frustrated I am after reading my post with all those spelling errors! I just do not know what to expect from the medication. I do know the naproxen is...
I was just given tramado acetamino and have been taing naporxen and klnopin. Was recently diagnosed with Fibro and just cannot get nay relief. I have been tested for other possible cause, but seems...
I was just given tramado acetamino and have been taing naporxen and klonopin. Was recently diagnosed with Fibro and just cannot get nay relief. I have been tested for other possible cause, but seems...