Thank you so much for your article! This is excellent for my research!...
Thank you for your input. I will make sure to post my research review findings. I think it would be interesting to know that carbs decrease cognitive function after 60 min though it boosts it 15 min...
How do you feel carbohydrates and sugars affect your fibrofog and pain?...
Thank you, I am exploring the forums now :smilewinkgrin:...
Hi, my name is Tyler. I am a 20 yr old college junior. I have had FMS for 5 years and was diagnoses with Hypothyroidism in 2010. My meds are listed in my signiture. I feel like the meds are doing...
Okay, thank you. I will introduce myself in a new post for you guys :)...
No PTSD does not mean you are depressed don't worry! But it does place you at high risk! Psychology Undergraduate....