I just replied to your post and I forgot to mention that Tramadol does interact with many other drugs, Try a drug interaction sight to check it out. Cheers again !...
hello. I too have a sleep problem and sleeping pills do not work for mr You mentioned Aspirin, and then Aleve , well that is not Aspirin and its very irritating to the stomach and many people have an...
10/500 refers to percocet. I live in Ft Lauderdale, some times I swear the weather makes the aching worse. Will some one help me out, I really do not know how this web sight works, I did not even...
I stopped Gabapentin 2400mgs a day, I could not function.So after 8 yrs, I quit cold turkey , stupid of me,The Doc kept increasing the dose again and again. I told him I had had enough of this...
Hi everyone, what a wonderful sight I stumbled on to . First I do have Fibro and finally after 8 yrs a new primary Dc has it under control with Cymbalta 60mg. I also take 10/325 Oxycodone for...
sounds like fibromyalgia to me. I have had it for a long time. Now I take 60mg of Cymbalta once a day and it takes care of it. If your Dc could not diagnose you he is not much of a Doc, the symptons...