An article entitled : Cross-sectional Neurocognitive Data Do Not Support a Transition From Fibrofog to Alzheimer's Disease in Fibromyalgia Patients Can be read free at:...
Interesting article on fibro fog is available for reading free at
There is an interesting article on the definition and measurement of fibrofog entitled "Fibrofog - when fibromyalgia affects your thinking" available free at: Fibro Fog | Arthritis Self-Management...
Some on the forum with cognitive dysfunction may be interested in a recently published article in the January/February 2014 issue of Arthritis Self Management entitled: Fibro Fog: When fibromyalgia...
Some individuals with fibrofog may find a recently published article of interest. Leavitt F, Katz RS (2011). Development of the Mental Clutter Scale. Psychological Reports 2011:109 (2); 445-452....