hello all, first time here. For the past 6 months, i have been on a quest to discover why i can't function properly anymore. Here is a quick overview of what happened: Jan/Feb: Strong stress episode...
i am sorry, i forgot to respond to both of you ak angel and Rockon. Thanks a lot for your replies. I am reading quite a lot about Fibro at the moment and it does seem to fit quite well with my...
hi everyone, i have one more question. I am really depressed at the moment because i now have eyes problems. For the past week, a lot of the pain is my jaw, ears and eyes. I can barely keep my eyes...
Hi Debbie, thanks for the info and for the support. I have gone through Fibro 101. It is very useful. thank you, eric...
Hi tazman2. thank you very much for your reply. I did take Pantoprazol for a week and half, but unfortunately, that was after my pain symptoms had started. I think my stress started all of my...
Hello, my name is Eric and i am 44 years old. I have had a lot of stress in my life and i tend to have a low threshold for stressful situations. I panic, get anxious and angry quickly. The past few...
Hello Gretchen1, thank you for replying. Your response makes me feel a bit better. Yes, i have considered Fibro and have an appointment soon to check this possibility. thank you, eric...
Hi, can anyone help me? i am very scared and any feedback would be very much appreciated. thank you, eric...
hi all, the past few months have been a nightmare for me as i have suffered from an incredible amount of symptoms. The urologist found nothing, the ENT found nothing, the gastro found Reflux...
thank you both for your quick answers. They highlight why i am torn on how to proceed as you both make really good points... I had an endoscopy, which is how they diagnosed the gastritis and...
Hello everyone, i am new to the Forum. I recently had tons of stress in my life and developed in the last 4 months pains and symptoms across my entire body. Some of it is in my pelvic area and the...