Thank you for your reply I think u are 100% right I am over thinking things and noticing every slight change to my body more than usual I am not looking for diagnoses, rather looking to hear from...
Hi everyone , need some help and advice. I am a 30 year old male from the uk and wanted to know if my symptoms could be Celiac or something else? Also can one night of acute stress and anxiety( 2-3...
Hi everyone , need some help and advice. I am a 30 year old male from the uk and wanted to know if my symptoms could be anxiety or something else? Also can one night of acute stress and anxiety( 2-3...
Hi everyone , need some help and advice. I am a 30 year old male from the uk and wanted to know if my symptoms could be fibro or something else? Also can one night of acute stress and anxiety( 2-3...