Hi twin, I'm not a doctor, but it never hurts to check any doubts or worries you may have. I was with a Pain Management Hospital when I started to get my symptoms and my Doctor and her P.A both...
Karen, Thank you for the suggestions, I appreciate honesty. I'm so used to trying to get every word in that I leave out some things, apologies. This stems back from when I was growing up, too long to...
Hey there, calling yourself sadolderman in itself is depressing, i to suffer with severe depression but for different reasons, my health. But I do, reading between the lines, see some similarities....
Another thing sweetheart, in the States where I was diagnosed I was given Cymbalta, over here it's called Duloxetine, originally it was for depression but they found it helped with the pain of...
What you are about to read is very long, but try to read it to the end because I'm hoping somewhere in this you will find something that will give you that extra push you need to fight this hateful...