My PCP called "fibro" the day I went to see him (3 days after the onset of the joint pain). He felt my muscles, and said, "gee they are tight." Ordered me a muscle relaxer ($36 down the drain) and a...
Thank you! After that period of time, I am pretty much back to normal. I have creaking in my back, a little in my neck, but hips and knees are great. I just make sure I don't sit for more than an...
I apologize for leaving everyone hanging. Here is the update: After pushing my PCP, I was referred to an Orthopedic Specialist. My original back and neck x-rays were sent along with me. I was, of...
Oi! Sorry it has been a while with an update. So, the xrays showed arthritis in neck and back, further xrays showed arthritis in shoulders, hips, knees, etc (you get the picture). I went in for a...
Results from xrays: I have arthritis all over: neck, back, shoulders, etc. My knees are horrible. Sigh....
Thank you, all! I'm so glad tomorrow is Monday and I can start moving forward. It feels as if my legs are going numb. My feet are ice cold. My hands feel the same way....
You all are SO right! So...after reading these responses, I got up, took a shower, and hobbled into the living room. I even folded laundry. Of course getting up hurt really bad and I was fatigued...
Thanks all. Nothing new, except the ER doc treated me like a prescription drug addict. I am now officially depressed. I've stopped the Naproxen (doctor orders) and am taking 800 mg of ibuprofen....
Headed back to the ER this evening. My neck is tight and my jaw is beginning to lock. Because the meds are not working, my family this something else is happening....
I so appreciate everyone's feedback and support. Please understand that I am writing through pain, a and don't know how to see past it yet. Last night was horrific. I cried until 4 am. I finally took...
Thank you for your responses. I'm not worried about anything other than not being in pain. I have a husband, we own our home, cars, etc. We are not in debt, so my future is the least of my concern....
I'm in serious pain, even while on three medications, so... How do you go to the bathroom? How do you care for your children? Your home? Laundry? I can't! I've only been in this situation for a...
I slept with a heating pad last night with no relief, but I am interested in the video you mentioned, and will look it up at bedtime. Ill try anything!...
So, is this fibromyalgia? I've read through Fibro 101, but I would feel more sure if someone here have their opinion....
No to both, but a position in our county opened recently, and I have applied for that. Thank you for the feedback....
I'm a teacher on Winter break, and i am scared to return to work. I have an hour drive each way, and the thought of getting out of my car scares me. How do you manage this pain with work and home...
BTW, my life has become, in just three days, all about getting that next dose of pain meds to see if THAT one will be when it works....
Hello, and good afternoon! My name is Teresa, and two days ago my doctor suggested I may have Fibromyalgia. I am waiting on the results of x-rays taken Monday to see where we go from here. Here is my...