Sherrine- Perfect! I have the dills. I need to go shopping for my green olives. Look fwd to trying this. Appreciate your help! SP...
Joy, Thank you for your input, and esp for taking the time to do so on a difficult day. You're the best! Hope today is a better day with less fibro fog. :tongue:...
Sherrine, Thank you so much for this info! We are speaking about the dill pickles and green olives? Do olives need to be green or can I do black? I will definitely try this. Appreciate your sharing...
I really appreciate your concern asd and and almost medfree. I know you're trying to help. I am working with medical professionals, whom I have the utmost trust in, who are helping me with my...
Thx, asd! Me too. Lol but this space in time is odd. I am just in a flare up a lot and I am not coming out from this delicate place, yet. I think I could be answering own question---think my body...
Thank you for replies and info!. I'm not necessarily getting viruses and colds, just flare after flare. I just wonder if this is common for a little while after major flare up and if anyone can speak...
Hi Friends. For nearly a year, I was doing well in terms of my flares not getting in way of working etc., then I had a relapse and had a severe 3-month flare up. Since this, will call it a relapse...
Luvz, You crack me up. Lol. Fibro Fog City is not an extravagant or sophisticated place. Lol SP...
Glad I'm not alone, Kel :tongue:...
Sherrine, Yes, thank goodness my brain caught up. :smilewinkgrin:...
Hi, Melissuh. I do experience dizziness and light headedness with my fibro. Are you new to forum? If so, welcome!! There is great info abt fibro if you refer to the fibro 101 portion of this forum. I...
Must share a funny with you: I went onto forum and began reading different posts and thought to myself I can't relate with this stuff maybe I'm doing little better....maybe I'm healed!!!..... omgosh...
OK, I get what you meant. It's not visible to public when you post to your profile. Thank you for assisting us with us, Sherrine. SP...
Sherrine, Did I post email correctly? If its on my profile only am I protected from the public? Thanks, SP...
Sherrine, thank you for your help. Kelvin, I included my email. It is visible now. I'll be in touch. Thank you, SP...
Hi, Kelvin. This would be great. Can you IM me your email address. Thank you for your response. SP...
Hi there! Anyone looking for someone to chat with outside of forum? Im looking for a pal. If you're interested, please let me know. Thanks, Signature Pink...
I read this article from University of Maryland Medical Center. I learned so much about fibromyalgia and abnormal brain and central nervous system functioning. Wanted to pass it along....
University of Maryland Medical Center speaks on this topic in the the attached article, below: See the last paragraph under section, "Brain Chemicals and Hormonal Abnormalities ". It references why...
I asked my rheumy today abt my shakiness and he told me its part of neurological symptoms of fibro and also muscle weakness. Pink...
Yes, I experience shaky hands. I've noticed when I'm in a flare, especially. My hands feel weak and I also drop things. I have trouble grasping small items. I'm not sure what abt the fibro causes...
Sheryl, I tend to gain weight when I go into flare-ups because I'm not as active as when I was feeling better. Almost every time and when I have very bad flare up, it has lasted up to a few months. I...
Joy, Nor am I able to read patterns (I get a What Anna and I were referring to is going onto YouTube to watch stitch tutorials. You should check it out. Easiest way to learn a...
Oh, Anna I love that idea!!!! Make holding water bottle much easier. BTW, I totally can relate with watching YouTube while you try to crochet. Lol you need to get Chromecast. My latest toy to...
Awesome suggestions Karen and Anna...! That may help all the torso tension. Karen, you stand cause you're in pain? Anna you must start again. I'm making a gift for mom's bday. Soooo fun!! Pink...
Hi, Almost Medfree! Thank you! That's a great suggestion. Need to pace myself and be aware of where body is during my project. I love crocheting. Hadn't done in awhile and I wanted to finish an...
Hi there kindred crocheter. Yeah, on my bed with pillows behind me. The areas of my body that were impacted really surprised me just BC I thought I was comfy. Who knows.... Maybe, I was too tense and...
Hi, Friends! Any of you do crafts: crocheting or knitting? I spent about hour trying to finish an afghan and my hips, ribs, low back and pelvis began hurting. I mean badly. So I'm resting. Anyway,...
Leapyear, This is fabulous news. Interesting, that we see more floaters as we age. I'm 38 yo so we are kind of in same age range. Makes sense. My Best, Pink...
Jasflower, it's also really annoying lol. Yes, it is a strange sensation cause you just don't expect to hurt on your head, too. Gosh darn fibro. Hope you find relief fr it. Hugs to you......
Thanks, Leapyear and good luck too!...
Melissuh, This is the initial symptom I had and it was originally a lasting, primary pain. I still get it but it waxes and wanes nows. I was in ER multiple times BC I thought I was having a heart...
Leapyear, yes I get these in more excess now I have fibro. They are grey and on both sides. I also see cobweb shapes too. I did get eye exam and of course, as all the tests are, was negative for...
Joy, I am sorry and praying for you. I hope by now you are out of the flare up. I recently lost my Joey Kitty. Had him for 11 years. They are our family members. Sending hugs, comfort and healing...
Hi, Jasflower! I also have scalp pain. Sometimes it feels as if it is the hair follicles other times it feels like bruising. Hope you have relief from this symptom soon....
Thank you, Guys. I will most definitely look into health grades website. BTW, I have been a member for sometime (2012). Just been awhile since I've posted. Glad to be in touch, again....
Hi, Sherrine! I am an old member it has just been awhile since I've posted. I'm glad to be in touch again. I am relieved to learn that fibro is not progressive!! I'll be reading and in touch....
Hi, Friends. Do you find that the longer you have fibro, the worse the illness progresses?...
Hi, All! Looking for a medical doc or rheumy in Albuquerque, NM. Anyone from my area who can make a recommendation? Thank you!...
I get dark circles and my eyes kinda sink in a bit. I even swell in cheek area. You guys?...
My eyes arent outwardly irritated but i do get sunken eyes or eyes that look sick. Usually on my worst days. I also have sore eyeballs. Does this happen to you, also?...
Yep, I have this. Do you think it might be related to bowels? I had this pain today and was experiencing constipation....
Sounds like your trigeminal nerve is being affected. Pain cycles. It can be very painful. This nerve is the largest nerve in your head. Can affect eye, cheek, mouth and tongue. Pray you feel better...
Thank you, guys. You are so encouraging. I'm so happy to finally have found a doc who really cares. She's a naturopath doc. Today was first day on new treatment plan. I do feel a little better...
Hi. I've used lavender for calming, peppermint oil for nausea and wintergreen can used for aches like headaches. I love them. M...
Hi FMily, I woke up yesterday and noticed scaley plaques of skin on my chest. Coincidentally, I had a doc appt. She also diagnosed me with psoriatic arthritis. See, we cldnt figure out where my high...
Omgosh that thread is hysterical. I think its funny the guy was so serious when he explained what it was. No courtesy laugh or anything. LOL...
Have a great time. Congrats, Jaden!...
Hi All. Thank you for your feedback and suggestions. I still haven't figured it out yet. One thing I've read in a book is to use moist heating pads (Sherrine you mentioned this). I also experimented...
I am thinking of you and my prayers are with you, as well. God bless you at this difficult time....