I have! I have found that edible gummies work like a dream. I'm not completely sure what strain they were but I will find out. All of my pain just melted away....
Hello All, Just looking for a bit of guidance as no one can seem to give me answers... About a 10 months ago, I randomly started shaking one day - Bilateral tremors in my hands and legs. I freaked...
Hi All, Just to follow up, I went to the doctor and it turns out i have Laryngopharyngeal Reflux, which is a form of acid reflux but it comes up into the larynx or voice box area. From what I've...
couchtater - I know that swollen gland achy feeling from when I've been sick and this is something so different that I can't even explain where the discomfort is coming from. It's so strange!...
Hi Everyone, I'm going to the dr to get this checked out but just wanted to ask everyone - Does anyone ever get a feeling of pressure in their chest and around the throat? I get intermittent...
Serafina I get the same thing! I'll get a sore throat for a couple of weeks and then it will go away and keep cycling on and off. My throat also feels right sometimes and I feel like I need to drink...
Hi Everyone, Just had a question for the ladies in the forum - I've noticed that my fibro tends to flare around the time of my period every month. It starts a few days before and then when it finally...
Thank you! Just sent you an email!...
Anyone? Please?...
Ok Girlie, my email address is now visible. My goal is to get the Igenex test ASAP. Im assuming an LLMD would be able to assist in signing off on it?...
Hi everyone I've been having strange symptoms since October and have been to many doctors but no one can figure out what's wrong with me. I have a tremor, twitching muscles, pin prick sensations,...
This is EXACTLY how I feel - Sometimes how I feel can vary from hour to hour...It's so strange! I didn't realize this was a common thing. It's easy to feel so alone with this stuff since no one in my...
Has anyone here had a low positive ANA and been diagnosed with fibromyalgia only and not any other autoimmune disease?...
Couchtater Do you mean you were having shaking from the problem with the C6 vertebra? Mine has actually gotten better since the beginning but I will definitely mention it to my Neuro. I only had an...
Asides, Glad to know I'm not alone! I actually don't have any swelling anywhere which is another reason my doctor thinks I have fibro. Was rheumatoid arthritis ruled out for you?...
Does anyone else have hand pain as their most prominent symptom?...
Johnfio I have a wonderful rheumy who is in NYC right outside of the midtown tunnel (easy access from LI). Please send me a PM if you'd like his info....
Hi Everyone, I was so happy to find this forum as many times I feel like I'm alone in this and no one seems to understand. In October 2015 I started having a slight bilateral tremor in my whole body...