It's great therapy. I have used a Tens and loved it. Had it for 24 years. It its a large machine with plastic dials, in a plastic case. Fantastic results especially for those hard to get painful...
I am in Northern Ontario and it is very cold here, which is a small part of my problem. However, I was born here, and cannot afford to move elsewhere. I stay inside when the temperature drops...going...
Thank you for the welcome Susie! I had a half-decent sleep last night and was able to go to the gym for a light workout. It's cold out, but the sun is shining! I'm feeling better today than I did...
I have a dog...a pug-zu. We rescued him from a shelter in August. I hug my dog a lot! You would think he would get tired of it, but because he is part pug, he just melts in my arms! That's what I do...
I am new to this site, and I'm wondering how many of you can relate... I have many things going on...crohns colitis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, raynauds and cold urticaria (since I was a child),...