I'm 26YO male in good shape. I work out and run and eat pretty clean. Two months ago I started noticing my body doing weird things. Primarily, my sleep SUCKS. Right before I fall asleep, my body goes...
For months my eyes have been burning, red, watery, and sensitive to light. Also, I've developed floaters and my left eye seems to see things a bit darker than my right. I've had two eye exams and the...
I’m 26 and generally healthy. I don’t smoke or drink and exercise 5 days a week. About 4 months ago I noticed a couple floaters in my eyes and some burning. Today, I have more floaters and they burn...
Hey! Thanks in advance for reading :) My eyes have been in terrible pain for months (burning, floaters, right eye sees a bit lighter than the left, extreme redness and puffiness in the morning, and...
I feel like I'm going blind :( Eyes feel super inflamed and I'm seeing floaters. Right eye sees a bit darker than the left. When I wake up my eyes are very red and puffy then go back down a little....
Hey! Thanks in advance for the help. I've developed floaters and bad inflammation in my eyes for the past couple months. When I wake up in the morning, my eyes are VERY red and painful and calm down...
Hello! A few years ago I had a positive igenex test and last week I had my DNA tested by DNAconnections and that came back negative. I don't know how to get reliable answers and figure out if I...
My eyes are very red and irritated in the morning and then burn throughout the day with less redness. When I wake up, they are RaeS and painful. This has been going on for a couple months now....
for the candida I'm taking nystatin, a candida cleanse, colloidal silver, removed sugar/ carbs from diet, probiotics, and exercise....
Hey! For the past couple months, my eyes have been extremely red and irritated. Additionally, I've developed floaters. The eye doctor told me I have allergies but I know that's not what is going on...
Hello! I just wanted to share some of my bloodwork (having more tests, etc. done). I've already been diagnosed with LD, but wanted to ask if the following results were pretty typical of Lyme Disease:...
(My Igenex is positive for IgG and antibodies are 80) My newest symptom is extremely painful / inflamed eyes and now floaters. Went to the eye doctor and they couldn't see anything (sounds like most...
Hey Girlie! I did take antibiotics that my LLMD subscribed, but I'm also wondering if I relapsed. Whatever is going on is wrecking my eyes now. They are so inflamed and I'm seeing floaters. My neck...
I've been dealing with stomach problems, and lower back / side pain (mostly when trying to sleep). Additionally my eyes burn most of the time, and it looks like a little black spot has formed in my...
hey guys! what are some of the best natural treatment plans? thanks!...
ok, done! thanks....
looking for the best LLMD in the nashville area that accepts insurance. thanks!...
I still have a circle of messed up pigmentation/ scarring from rash 1.5 years ago. Anyone else have lasting skin alterations?...
most importantly, i would like the doc. to give me proper blood tests, but also be familiar with treatment. first step for me is a dx :)...
it isn't MS. we did spine mri as well. she said the lesion could potentially have been there from a headache, developed it when i was young, but she said she was 99% certain it wasn't cancer, and...
im a 23 year old male. otherwise healthy. two years ago i was in a "brain fog" that lasted a couple months. i've had random jerks and twitches throughout my body. an mri of my brain revealed a...