I am not sure how current this site is just need a little support. I have had fibromyalgia for several years now. I have been having terrible foot/toe/leg pain for the last year or so. It all started...
The appointment was really informative. Definitely will be doing surgery. He is suggesting distal Chevron osteotomy surgery. He will also correct the toe next to my big toe that is turning into a...
I haven't been to the doctor. I see the Ortho doctor this Friday. Talk about being anxious and ready for an appointment. I have also wondered if I might have fractured something. I dont necessarily...
Thank you for the reply. I know I have OA in my big toe and knee. Funnily enough this new pain i am experiencing has taken some of the pain away from my big toe. Today is quiet an uncomfortable day....
I have had the worst year or so with my right foot. Bunion is painful enough now it's time to really consider surgery. I also have OA in big toe. I have delt with plantars fasciitis as well. When...
I had to much going on this month. I figured the first part of December would be good in hope that it would feel better. Right now I take advil as needed. I have used tiger balm when I need to. I...
Hoping to get some guidance. I have been having crazy knee pain and tightness in my right knee. I have an appointment in December with my doctor. It really is bothersome in the morning and especially...
Thank you for the words of encouragement. I intend to do just that. My appointment is next thursday so I want to make the most of my time with him. I also want to ask him about supplements for...
Does anybody have suggestions as to how bring this up to your doctor without getting the brush off? I wouldn't have posted if wasn't looking for suggestions....
How you go about discussing possible Cfs with your doctor? I have several things going on such as hypothyroidism, hashimoto's, raynaud's disease, fibromyalgia, and just recently lichen sclerosus. I...
I love having my hair colored. I have gone with highlights as well. I like the look of the full color better. I also like to dye my hair red and have the problem with it fading out fast, but I tend...
I am in the same boat right now. as far as I know I've always been hypo. When I first started on this journey I was at a pretty slender weight. I held steady for several years then started some...
Yea, I am going to start keeping recipets and such this year. I didn't know you could use those towards your taxes. I have synthroid that I take on a regular basis and by the end of the year that...
I live in the US. I might just mention it to my doctor. I see him in March see what his thoughts are. It would be great if we could get even a small portion as a tax break since it would be for both...
STARRY-EYES;I am prepared to spend the money.. and I could get a doctors script for it and put it into medical taxes next year.... can you really do that? Hubby and I both could speak to our doctors...
What an interesting topic. Hubby and I are in the market for a really good mattress too. We bought a pillow top several years ago but is starting to sag in the middle and its not as comfortable for...
This is all good food for thought. I was only really trying to get a comparison. Get some thoughts together to see if I would benefit from switching back to Synthroid. I know everyone is different...
Still pretty sore today, but i'm getting by. I slept better last night which always helps. I think it's getting close to that wonderful time of the month again. I always seem to have more aches and...
Hmmm checked my bottle of Levothyroxine and it doesn't have MFG information on it. Should I contact my pharmacy and ask? I'm considering going back on Synthroid because I still have so many symptoms...
Here's a little food for thought; http://drugtopics.modernmedicine.com/drugtopics/Supplements/Approval-of-generic-Synthroid-raises-ire-of-some-e/ArticleStandard/Article/detail/121731...
here it is in a nutshell think i'm going to have a little heart to heart with my doctor. I looked up side effects on Levothyroxine and after a list of the side effects it had this statement;...
Ok so cleaning out the pantry didn't kill me, but getting the bathroom cleaned nearly did me in. Its sparkly, but many I was I feeling it today. So worn out and sore. I gave in and took it easy today...
I wanted to get some feelers out on this. I have a follow up appointment with my Doctor in a few weeks. 1. Do you take synthroid or levothyroxine? 2. If you have tried both like me which one do you...
I am Hypo and have been taking meds for years. I'm in the same boat though even though my blood work always comes back normal I still feel like I need a boost somewhere. I'm always sleepy it seems...
open it now and I'm pleased with my work. I know it's not much to most people but for those of us with fibromyalgia that can be a huge accomplishment. I've been avoiding that task because of the...
I had a rough day today. I woke up so groggy this morning. I just simply didn't want to get out of bed. I made myself get up though. I had a few things I wanted to take care of today, but I never...
I was on Lyrica 75mg 2x a day at night because it made me sleepy. I tried it for nearly two years. I didn't like the way it made me feel plus after taking it for a while it seemed like it really...
Why is it that doctors seem to think eatting a diet high in fiber is the cure all for IBS? My doctor is leaning towards IBS for my tummy woes and suggest I go on a low fat high fiber diet, but for me...
I know this is an old thread, but it might be good to start it back again. Espically for those of us that are new to IBS like me. I think I have always had IBS but really didn't know it until just...
I hate when my Husband says "Remind me to do this in the morning" or "If you can think of it get this at the store for me" espically if i'm in the middle of doing something. If I don't make a note of...
I wonder how many of us are like that, movers. I'm the same way. I don't sit long if I do its usually not but a few minutes. I drive my little dog nuts I think cause he likes to snuggle but I don't...
I have climbed Petit Jean Mountain, gone on many vacations, and rode many a roller coaster in my life time. Fibromyalgia will not slow me down, I won't let it. It might make me a bit sluggish from...
A LETTER FROM FIBROMYALGIA Dear Miserable Human Being, Hi, my name is Fibromyalgia, and I'm an invisible chronic illness. I am now ‘velcroed’ to you for life. Others around you can't see me or hear...
I think I've had some form of this all my life it seems like school espically was very difficult to me and work can be a challenge espically if your in a fast paced environment it can be frustrating....
Here's a good example of fibro fog; today I went to three different grocery stores to get everything i needed lol. It wasn't a lot; shredded cheese, noodles, a couple of onions, peppers, and ham...
I will definately try Dr H's method. I have to go again in a year. That liquid was nearly to much for me. I was pretty much doing shot like gulps when I got past the half way point. I used 7up to...
Even though we smoke my hubby and i don't do to bad. I'd say we go through about a pack a day. We smoke the same brand and off the same pack. Sometimes it's more, but sometimes its less. So for two...
Yup, I smoke and the more pain I am feeling the more I seem to smoke. Somewhere in my brain I feel like it keeps my mind off the pain, but it really doesn't. I've tried quitting with the patch a...
Thought we could all take a little something from this song... http://www.motivational-well-being.com/you-gotta-be.html...
"Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around." ~...
http://www.irritablebowelconnect.com/videos/13-5-simple-steps-to-cure-ibs-without-drugs ...
Mine is definately worse in the morning. I'm usually up by 6:30 and bam about 10 minutes later it all starts. I had a good day this morning though only went to the bathroom once lol. Tomorrow it'll...
I'll have to see about getting that book. I was just diagnoised with IBS I'm sure it couldn't hurt to thumb throug it....
I too don't much care for the mirror. I spend most of my days bundled up trying to stay warm. When I do get out for whatever reason I always "try" to pull myself together. I don't always accomplish...
the imodium thing too. I was just recently told that my doctor after a colonoscopy finding nothing pointing to the other stuff thinks my tummy issues are IBS related. He suggested I use imodium. I...
I guess I'm the only one that takes Levothyroxine. I feel like I need to be on synthroid again. I don't feel like the Levothyroxine is giving me the same benefits as synthroid. I started out on...
I'm going to try and get my hands on some Topricin. My shoulders espically my right shoulder has been bothering the dickens out of me for weeks now. It just won't let go. I will definately do some...
Sorry about your dad that is tough one on anyone. Stress is a huge factor in our pain levels. I know in my last job I was constantly stressed out and in pain all the time. They didn't care and didn't...
Oh I can't stand the cold or being cold. Its foggy, drizzly, and damp here today in arkansas. It's in the mid 30's and the pressure is dropping. It's high because they are predicting storms for the...
So really honestly is there a cure for IBS??? Doubtfull, I mean we can try and try all the different things on the market today and would our tummy issues really be that much better maybe maybe not....