Hi everyone, I just wanted to say that I am so thankful that I have all of you because otherwise it would be much harder on me because I try to keep my spirits up for my hubby and my kids and as I am...
I am wondering if someone can answer a few question, we just got back from getting the upper GI and sonogram no results yet from sono but they said that he has Portal Hypertensive Gastropathy and by...
hep 93, The trial me is for hep c Thanks for asking Jackie...
I thank you all for your invaluable information and your support. I gave my husband the results on friday, stage 4 grade 2... we are both still in shock. I am trying to get as much info as I can so...
Good morning, I am new to this and hope its ok to ask some questions about my husbands sickness. My husband and I were told about 15 years ago that he had hep c, he never really had any symptoms...