Hi All, One of my close friend has completed Hepatities B vaccination. After 3 months of vaccination he did Anti-HBSAg Antibody test and result was 337 mIU/ml (Positive). I want to know what are his...
Hi Forum, I am Sohan. I recently did a ultrasonography of whole abdomen becouse of hepetites B and result said that there is an echotexture in Liver. My doctor suggested me to do the ultrasonography...
Hi Connie, thanks a lot for your comments I really appreciate your time. I have a concern that is 1 month back my doctor suggested me to do AFT and USG abdomen test which I did and result was:...
Hep93 Thank you so much for your valuable comments. I don’t understand what do u mean by healthy chronic carrier? if possible please explain it. I did following Test: HBsAG-- Positive HBeAG --...
Hi All, My name is sohan, 2 year back I came to know that I am having hepatitis B. I used to drink but after that i stopped. I did lots of test like like liver profile AFT, HBV DNA Quantification USG...