Thank you Connie, that's really useful information - just wish I'd known about the beef yesterday! I'll try him on Slimfast as I use that a lot when I'm stressed out and no time to eat. He doesn't...
Thank you Connie, I have been reading this site all day and it has been so helpful - more so than Al-Anon for me because at the moment I want practical help and knowledge, perhaps I'll be able to get...
Hello Hopesprings I am new today too and so I thought I would say hello. I think you have taken on such a lot to move your Mum in, give up your job and provide 24 hour care, so I do hope you get some...
Thank you too Sandi, I was so sorry to read about your loss. It is interesting that your partner had also lost his brother - 'unable to process his grief' exactly describes how my husband has reacted...
Thank you Connie & David for your quick replies, I really appreciate knowing there are people out there I can talk to. In answer to your question David, no he doesn't smoke - that is my poison!...
My husband has liver disease but I don't know where we are in the dreadful journey I have been reading about here. He has always been a drinker but more of a 'functional' alcoholic, remaining sober...