Hey guys. I know it has been 6 months, but I figure that it would be helpful in the future if anyone has the same questions as I did. I did it some time back in July. So I arrived at the facility...
Oh, sorry. I forgot to ask, after the biopsy, is it absolutely necessary to stay in the hospital? I looked up it up, and most sources say I have to stay about 4 hours under observation, is it...
Thanks for sharing, lavendar. But that "Oops, i accidentally poked the wrong organ" part sure didn't sound very reassuring! Haha. Like what hep93 and David said, guess I should make sure they're...
Thank you all for the feedback. From what I've gathered so far, it shouldn't hurt that much if done right. But if it's like a tiny shock, won't you reflectively move? Eurgh, the consequences of that...
Hi all. My liver enzymes have been elevated for the past 4 months at least(that's when we first discovered the anomaly) and ultrasounds have diagnosed me as a mild case of NAFLD(a little bit of fatty...