Hey everyone. Typing this at the hospital right now. I`ve been here since Sunday night. I want to thank you all for your help. This thread has been a huge motivator for me. The news is good. It looks...
You're probably right that it makes no difference. I am pretty sure either my eyes are really bloodshot or I am jaundiced again. I might have given up that second chance. I don't feel sick, and I'm...
Thanks for the advice, everyone. I am sober right now and truly craving a drink. I generally space out my drinking throughout the day, never really getting drunk. I've been trying to measure my...
I'm very sorry about Janie, Charlie, and very saddened by this news. Having read through your previous posts, I can see that you and Janie both had much courage and strength through this. You're in...
I deeply appreciate all of your honesty and encouragement. I know I need to quit drinking if I expect to survive. It's obviously irrational for me to continue to drink while so worried about what...
Hi Charlie. I'm new here but I read through this thread, and I am keeping Janie in my thoughts. I hope she gets well. I wish the best for both of you....
Thank you all so much for your replies. A.Ziffle, David, MamaLama, and hep93, I deeply appreciate your honesty. It is very much needed. It is helpful to hear from people who have an understanding of...
I'm interested in this as well. Generally, the kind of protein used after lifting weights is whey protein powder (it absorbs faster so you get better gains after working out), which I believe is a...
Thank you both for your responses. I have an appointment scheduled to see a gastroenterologist in about a week. I will look into seeing a hepatologist as well. David, every time I saw a doctor, I was...
Hello everyone. This past February, I was in the hospital with alcoholic liver disease. I'd been drinking heavily for a little over 3 years. I had no appetite, I was unable to keep food down, and I...
Next day, feeling nauseous and like food is barely staying down. I don't plan on drinking but I hope this isn't a sign that I'm going to end up in the hospital again. It's amazing how destructive...
I appreciate the advice. I definitely need all the help I can get. Yes, I do often tell myself that I'm not an alcoholic, that I just lack discipline and that I can learn to drink moderately. I do...
Thank you for the reply, Connie. Unfortunately, you're right, it's difficult to tell until I see a doctor what kind of shape I'm in right now. I feel okay. I'm eating food, no apparent jaundice, no...
I'm 24 years old. After about 4 years of very heavy daily drinking, I ended up in the hospital because I could no longer keep food down. In fact, I could barely stomach the alcohol that was killing...