His amonia levels were ok. He had a little confusion before but nothing close to this. His Dr. is supposed to be the best in the Louisville ky area. I did research on him before ever going to him. I...
We went to hep Dr Fri. Mr was so confused, Dr suggested psychiatric therapy and also to stop treatment. Mr was not making any sense at all. Went to emergency psyciatric hospital, after 7 hrs, was...
Thanks for all the info. He does have an appointment the 17th with his dr. His doctor specializes in hep and has been in practice for 30 + yrs. I also am ready to leave him but am trying to be more...
Thank you for all of your suggestions. I have been ready to throw up my hands and quit. MamaLama, I can see my husband doing the same things. It is so frustrating. I slept in my car, in my garage,...
/community/emoticons/shakehead.gif My husband is on week 2 of pegasys, ribavirin. He is very confused, can't finish sentences and very very angry all of the time. He says very hurtful things to my...