Hello all. I Contracted Hep C, and had an acute attack. My body cleared it naturally and this was about 4-5 months ago. I had follow up bloodwork and a confirmation of SVR about a month ago. I was...
Thank you again for your replies. You know.. when I was first diagnosed with Hep C, This website, and all of you people made it bearable. I felt so lost and so alone, it was amazing how much better...
Thanks for the reply themiz. I thought it would be best not to assume. Im calling the office today. Will the receptionist be able to tell me these things. I know I shouldn't assume, but is there a...
Hello all, as some of you may remember I was found positive for Hep C, last summer. I was lucky enough to clear the virus without any treatment, and all of my bloodwork has come back with great...
So even with the virus cleared it is still possible to have pain? Is this because of everything the liver has been through during infection? Also, what is RUQ? Thanks everyone for the replies so far....
The weird thing is I just got bloodwork done a week a go and all the tests are normal...
Should mention I am at this moment having pain in my right under my rib cage more towards back. Deep. Feels like it would be bottom of liver facing back aand that's the only spot the hurts right now....
No I don't have one. Out of curiosity why do you ask? Can someone have everything normal but a viral load?...
Hello everyone. I have posted a few times about my journey with Hep C, with which I was infected in the summer. My liver enzymes shot up to 2000 and I got very ill and jaundice eyes. Got bloodwork,...
I dont have withdrawals no, and I can say no. Liquor has stayed untouched in my fridge for days. Its just that I still like to party with friends, etc. I think I can free my self of this by...
Yeah. I do hear you Ziffle. I guess we'll see what the next few weeks have in store. I have quit before, But with my family knowing, it would be much more difficult to go back. if that doesnt work,...
Yeah,I really do. Its taken a long time to realize that. Thanks for the advice. I'll take it. My brother in law goes to AA. Going to start going with him. Went once and didnt go back....
Hello everyone. I am fairly new here, but have posted a few times regarding my recently dignosed Hep C. Seems I had an acute infection as my liver enzymes went from 2000 to 50 very quickly, but still...
Thank you Connie, for your responses. Really put things in perspective for me. I'll abstain from discussing illicit things here :)...
Yeah I guess I understand. I'm not against rules, just feel like its so unclear what the rule actually is. If I say "hey I did a line of coke last night, is my liver ok?" But I can't say, "I smoke...
I don't get this, because I am allowed to talk about hard drug use (cocaine,etc.) that may have exposed me to hep c, but I'm not allowed to talk about drug use living with hep c? And how it might...
Thanks for the responses! My doctor said my enzymes wouldn't be that high from drinking alone, so if it w as only the virus and my body was capable of reversing it so quickly, maybe I have cleared...
Yep, my doctor knows about the drinking, but depends on the definition of heavy . I drank about 2-3 times a week for a few months. Usually to the point of getting drunk(about 8 beers), but was never...
So are you saying that you can have a viral load and a genotype detected but still clear it on your own? The intense drop in ALT, could that be a sign that this could be the case? im hopeful but...
I hope you are right! That would be great, but I am not sure. My doctor never said anything about that, he just told me the number was 50, and that ment my liver was doing fantastic. The bloodwork...
Hello all, It has been a few weeks since i have been active on this site, but I posted when I was first diagnosed with Hep C, here . At the time, I had only been told my bloodtest showed Hep C...
I would like some information on the effects of illicit drugs on the liver. I know that alcohol does damage to livers but I am unclear about drugs. I was recently diagnosed with Hep C and contracted...
You are right. I agree with you. However, I need to say, that I am 22 years old and for me it is just hard to imagine never drinking again. Not out of addiction, but just out of.. I dont even know...
My original post or the one just previous to yours? I can see what you mean, but I don't see the need to label or make a diagnosis, with no real knowledge of my situation, my life, etc. Numerous...
Thank you all for the advice and warm words. At this point I still don't know exactly what my situation, but so glad to have a place like this. As far as alcohol is concerned, I will stay away. If...
Ohhhh ok, gotcha thought it was a typo. I have never been treated for Hepatitis. Yeah I understand that about the stigma. I'm only telling the people closest to me. None of anyone else's business....
I can see why it would seem like he may, but he has been my friend (and truly a brother) to me for almost 15 years. I am only 22, and we have been through all kinds of personal trauma together. He...
Hello everyone. On August.12 I went to see a doctor regarding stomach pains and extreme fatigue I had been having. Around the 9th I had just come off of a camping trip that involved heavy drinking....