Hi Everybody Yesterday I took second last shot of Interferon My AMC is 1480 and my next shot of Interferon is due on next thursday Sep 25th one week after that I need to take Sovaldi , Ribavarin up...
Hi Everybody , This week has been great , I took the shot of Interferon and everything looks and appears great , some time I feel it is mind game , now only 2 more weeks are left will keep you posted...
Hi Everybody Tomorrow I will be taking a shot of Interferon after this only 3 will be left I hope and pray that I am fully cured Thanks & Regards Maheshk...
Hi Pls note treatment in INDIA and Egypt is not yet available it will be available only in 2015 Dec in India about Sovaldi it cost about can dollars 55000 for 3 bottles if it is O K for you then you...
Hi Everyone , I have finished 7 shots of Interferon and there are only 5 remaining I have good news to share My leg pain is gone I am feeling much better My ANC count has also gone up from 915 now it...
Hi Dog and everyone else I did take a 6th shot of Interferon without reducing dose ,yesterday my ANC was at 915 , lately I have been finding my stamina is down , I get tired very fast , can't take...
Hi All I took the interferon injection all my blood reports are down Hemoglobin is little over 10 I think ANC was below 1000 But overall condition is good and do not have any major side effects today...
Rule 7 7. Do not post offline personal contact information (ie. your home address, phone numbers etc.) and do not ask for personal information from others. This is to protect your security and...
Dear All I thank all of you from bottom of my heart, for caring for me , My ANC was 1035 so Dr took the chance and gave me full dose , He said if it falls around 750 to 800 he will reduce and if goes...
Hi Dog, last thursday I was advice to skip Interferon shot as my CBC count had dropped , Virus is not detected , I had to undergo some more blood test and was informed that my immunity level is...
Hi Dog It is very encouraging to receive such nice mail , I feel great today I took 3rd Shot of Interferon , I have been taking 6 tab of Riba + 1 Tab of Sovaldi Now 9 more shots left and , save and...
Hi everyone :yeah: I started my treatment on 10th July 6 days are over and not for a day I have felt any side effects save and except I had slight headache , today is day 7th I am on Interferon I...
Hi next week I will be starting on Sovaldi+Peginterferon +Riba I would like to know what kind of food I can eat I am vegetarian suffering from Genotype 1A , how many meals, if my appetite will reduce...
Hi, I have been advised by the doctor to start treatment of Sovaldi + pegInteferon+ Ribavarin My Viral count is 8 million this week again I am going to go for checking of Viral count. I want to know...