Thanks to both of you for your support - will let you know if I can figure anything out - it is definitely a complicated situation and not easy to diagnose what is happening. Best wishes Andrew...
Hi all, I have posted once before - I have been having abdominal pain on and off for years. Liver enzymes and CT and MRI scans are normal. The reason a I worry about my liver is that I am extremely...
Thanks all - helpful to get views from this community. I guess I struggle as I have a lot of pain, but test is is bad enough to get a diagnosis for anything (red stomach, some light bleeding in colon...
Hi all, My biopsies came back negative for Celiac, but my stomach was red. Specialist said this was quite common and nothing to worry about. Negative for H Pylori. Liver enzymes all normal. I have...
Thanks - helpful I am getting biopsy results next week, my first endoscopy was inconclusive so I am hoping I get some more clarity this time... Best wishes...
Hi there, Just wanted to see if there are any views. I don't have a diagnosis (of anything) but have had lots of trouble for the past two years - my intestine got swollen and perforated due to...
Thanks Danny - I am currently doing a gluten challenge - 40g per day followed by an endoscopy / biopsies in 6 weeks so should (I hope) get a definitive ruling on Celiac. Sedimentation and CRP are...
Thank you for the replies - when on the paracetamol (IV) I was in hospital and being monitored and liver enzymes were also normal 3 weeks after my hospital stay which is when things (what ever they...
Hello, I have always been diagnosed as having IBS. However, recently my intestine perforated (likely diverticulitis) and I have had lots of resultant tests as I was not longer prepared to accept IBS...