If your viral loads and alts are normal there really is not much else to due. Both of these are checked using blood test. Just keep checking in with your Dr. from time to time to make sure everything...
Cyborg Ninja, just so you know that there is alot of research being done on HCV. My current job is to study HCV, and get an understanding of why it varies greatly from people to people. And how come...
Your viral load is "low", however since it has increased there is a chance that it may still continue to increase. Have you tried any of the current tx that are available now. Do you know which...
Sorry to learn that you are feeling bad, I know how that feels. I to have acid reflux and crohn's disease. Before being prescibed nexium I would also have the same reaction that you are suffering...
Before being diagnosed with CD I had many of the same symptoms as you. I also, so a ND who thought I might have celiac disease (unable to digest gluten products). Prior to seeing the ND, I was always...
Ummm, I am to sure about this, if you are PCR neg then that means you are antibody neg (not testing positive for the HEP C virus). But you should still test antigen positive, which means you did have...
Yes, I do believe that the interferon can cause your platets to drop. Check with your doctor to be sure though, please do not be afraid to discuss this with him or the nurse. If they are really good,...
I too do research studies that are involved with Alzheimer's. Although I do not know anyone currently affected by this disease, I do believe such a device would be very helpful for both the patient...