Hi All, After 4 months again i tested for LFT . Below are the results. Total Protein - 72g/L Albumin - 43g/L Globulin - 29g/L A/G Ratio - 1.5 ALP - 58U/L Bilirubin(total) 12.8umol/L AST - 20U/L ALT...
Hi, Thanks for reply. 2 weeks before only i came to know that i was having chronic infection. My doctor told me , liver is working proeprly, so we will monitor for every 4 months, if the virus...
Hi, I am 27 years old. I done blood test which told HbsAg postive. Doctor told that he will not start the treatment , but he will do monitoring for very 4 months. these are details of blood test. ALT...