I know you weren't asking me but i think antibiotics and the lymes do it antibiotics cause dysfunction of the gut and lymes must thrive on that. But it could just be antibiotics interesting...
Well thanks for the replies i just dont know what to do anymore doctors dont want or know how to help me ive been to so many i feel helpless and debile and just fading...
The second lymes treatment i was taking 4 Doxycycline daily my 3rd round an it was making heart beat uncontrollably....
Thanks for the reply, i used to drink when i was like 16 up to 19 and i would get trashed and be fine, i dont drink anymore period its been months but thanks for the advice. I tried different...
About 9 months ago i drank some beers and took acetaminophen the following day. I got terrible pains in chest fast heart rate and thought i overdosed. After the next few weeks i got really itchy and...
Could there be any other problems with liver that aren't liver disease?...
(19 year old male) (i have drank a handful of times before this) So in february of this year i made the worst decision of my life, by drinking 9 beers. The next day i took 2 500 mg acetaminophen, and...
I have been eating 2 cloves of garlic every other day and ocasionally ill eat 4 at once, and when i do i get real light headed and feel over all horrid for a couple hours does anyone know if garlic...
Yeah it sort of is a pinching now that you mention it, the pain is more on the inner side of my left arm and towatds the mid left is where it is. Also in arnpit area. Pain is like a 5/10 bareable...
Naw, my arms look the same, and my both sets of my fingers are freezing. Just a very unsettling feeling overall thanks for the precision of the questions....
Thanks for the well written reply very informative, my mother scheduled me an appointment today or said she was, and i dont know how long it will be until i actually get in there ive had like so...
Still battling lymes on doxycycline and an array of medications, ate a brownish lemon a couple of days ago and that night got chest pain and a cold feeling in chest left arm is also sore, i dont feel...
Thanks for the reply, i ended up eating 5 cloves and i feel pretty terrible, sweating all over and shakiness, increased pressure on body, gonna take some activated charcoal for detox....
I ate 2 or 3 cloves so fa today anybody have any suggestions on how many cloves or whole garlic i should be eating a day also taking doxy...
I began taking 200 mg today, and will continue taking it until my month is up, i do not have an llmd (was sent to I.D. doctor by pcp), i did not do the theraphy while taking the abx, i took a 2 or 3...
I appreciate the feedback/hope, i do think i am herxing, but i dont think ill recover, my body feels like a trash can, this is also second time with lymes =/...
Recently started taking doxycycline again and am now experiencing more shakiness, heart palpitations, upset stomach, and a worn down feeling (plus same brain fog). I quit doxycycline after 31 days...
This may be a bit of a tmi, butI had active lymes disease for 6 months to a year, and I let other people hit my vape plenty of times and none of them seem to have gotten lymes. Hope this helps (don't...
Thanks for the replies so far peteza I quit abusing them a long time ago, i have taken one in the last year (like I said it was a dumb choice), but thank you for the advice about those pesky pink...
I was diagnosed with Lymes disease the first time, roughly a year ago at the age of 17. Took doxy for a month and was back to normal. About 2 months ago I was diagnosed again(19), except this time...